
Microsoft Windows

1. Download the latest ONEDrive for Windows setup.

  1. Start the setup and follow the prompts.

  2. Start ONEDrive from the Windows Start menu.

  3. See Using ONEDrive for notes on how to customize and access ONEDrive.

By default, ONEDrive uses the drive letter “O:”. If this drive letter is already in use, it can be changed in the file.

Mac OS X

  1. Install FUSE

Development of ONEDrive on OS X has been done using the Fuse for OS X distribution. Download the latest installer (currently 2.5.4) and follow the instructions to install.

  1. Install Python dependencies

fusepy provides the Python bindings to the FUSE library. To install fusepy, use the commands:

$ cd Downloads
$ git clone git:// fusepy
$ cd fusepy
$ sudo python install
  1. Install ONEDrive

There is currently no setup script for ONEDrive, so installation means simply downloading to a local folder:

$ cd ~/opt
$ svn co
$ cd d1_client_onedrive
  • Set PYTHONPATH to include d1_common_python/src and d1_libclient_python/src


  • Make sure option ‘user_allow_other’ is set in /etc/fuse.conf.

If the library search path is incomplete, an exception such as the following may occur:

OSError: dlopen(/opt/local/lib/libfuse.dylib, 6): Symbol not found: _iconv
  Referenced from: /opt/local/lib/libfuse.dylib

To work around this, run with:



Make sure the system is up to date:

sudo -H bash -c '
  apt update --yes && apt dist-upgrade --yes
  • Reboot if necessary.

Set up server packages:

  • The build environment for DataONE Python extensions

  • Commands used in the install

$ sudo apt install --yes build-essential python-dev libxml2-dev \

Install pip:

$ sudo apt install --yes python-pip; sudo pip install pip --upgrade;

Install ONEDrive, and its dependencies from PyPI, into a Python virtual environment. The virtual environment is set up under onedrive_bin in the user’s home folder.

$ sudo pip install virtualenv;
$ cd; mkdir onedrive_bin; virtualenv --distribute onedrive_bin;
cd onedrive_bin; . bin/activate; pip install dataone.onedrive
  • Press ctrl-d to exit the virtualenv.

ONEDrive expects to find a workspace.xml file in your home folder. Copy one of the example workspaces there:

$ cp onedrive_bin/workspace.xml ~

By default, ONEDrive uses a folder named “one” in your home folder as the mount point. Create it:

$ mkdir ~/one

Start ONEDrive:

$ ~/onedrive_bin/bin/onedrive

Open ~/one to access your DataONE objects.