Final configuration and startup

Filesystem permissions

Set all the files to be owned by the gmn account, and to be writable by www-data:

$ sudo chown -R gmn:apache /var/local/dataone
$ sudo chmod -R g+w /var/local/dataone/

Initialize the database

sudo -Hu gmn bash -c '
  cd /var/local/dataone
  source gmn_venv_py3/bin/activate
  python /var/local/dataone/gmn_venv_py3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/d1_gmn/ migrate --run-syncdb

Starting GMN

GMN should now be ready to start. Simply restart Apache:

$ sudo service httpd restart

Check the Apache logs for error messages. In case of any issues, refer to Troubleshooting

Continue to the next section to test your new node.