Create gmn Account and Configure PermissionsΒΆ

Run the following commands to:

  • Create the gmn user account (with password login disabled)

  • Add or update permissions allowing the gmn user to

    • Create and edit Apache configuration files

    • Restart the Apache and Postgres services

    • Read Apache and Postgres logs

  • Prepare the DataONE root directory

  • Create Postgres role and database


These commands can safely be run multiple times. Any missing permissions will be restored. Existing permissions will not be duplicated.

sudo -H bash -c '
  # Create the gmn user account with password login disabled
  id -u gmn 1>/dev/null 2>&1 || adduser --ingroup www-data \
    --gecos "DataONE Generic Member Node" --disabled-password gmn

  ERR=$(sudo -u postgres createuser gmn 2>&1)
  [[ ${ERR} =~ "already exists" ]] || echo ${ERR}
  ERR=$(sudo -u postgres createdb -E UTF8 gmn3 2>&1)
  [[ ${ERR} =~ "already exists" ]] || echo ${ERR}

  mkdir -p /var/local/dataone
  chown -R gmn:www-data /var/local/dataone
  chmod -R 00755 /var/local/dataone

  # Allow the gmn user to create and edit Apache configuration files
  setfacl -Rm gmn:rwx /etc/apache2 /var/lib/apache2/site/enabled_by_admin/

  # Allow the gmn user to start and stop the Apache and Postgres services
  for s in postgresql apache2; do
    grep -q $s /etc/sudoers \
      || echo "gmn ALL=NOPASSWD:/etc/init.d/$s" >> /etc/sudoers

  # Allow the gmn user to read existing Postgres and Apache logs
  setfacl -Rm gmn:rx /var/log/postgresql /var/log/apache2

  # Allow the gmn user to read future Postgres and Apache logs
  echo  >$P "postrotate"
  echo >>$P "  setfacl -Rm gmn:rx /var/log/postgresql /var/log/apache2"
  echo >>$P "endscript"