d1_test.mock_api package


d1_test.mock_api.catch_all module

d1_test.mock_api.create module

Mock a generic POST request by echoing the posted body.

A DataONEException can be triggered by adding a custom header. See d1_exception.py

d1_test.mock_api.create.pack_echo_header(body_bytes, headers, url_obj)

d1_test.mock_api.d1_exception module

Mock DataONEException.

A DataONEException can be triggered in any of the mock APIs by adding a custom header named “trigger” with the status code of the error to trigger, using the vendorSpecific parameter.


client.create(…, vendorSpecific={‘trigger’: ‘401’})

d1_test.mock_api.d1_exception.trigger_by_pid(request, pid)
d1_test.mock_api.d1_exception.trigger_by_status_code(request, status_code_int)

d1_test.mock_api.describe module

d1_test.mock_api.django_client module

Mock Requests to issue requests through the Django test client.

Django includes a test framework with a test client that provides an interface that’s similar to that of an HTTP client, but calls Django internals directly. The client enables testing of most functionality of a Django app without actually starting the app as a network service.

For testing GMN’s D1 REST interfaces, we want to issue the test requests via the D1 MN client. Without going through the D1 MN client, we would have to reimplement much of what the client does, related to formatting and parsing D1 REST requests.

This module is typically used in tests running under django.test.TestCase and requires an active Django context, such as the one provided by ./manage.py test.


import d1_test.mock_api.django_client as mock_django_client

@responses.activate def test_1000(self):

mock_django_client.add_callback(MOCK_MN_BASE_URL) d1_client = d1_client.mnclient_2_0.MemberNodeClient_2_0(MOCK_MN_BASE_URL) node_pyxb = d1_client.getCapabilities()


d1_test.mock_api.echo_credentials module

d1_test.mock_api.generate_identifier module


CNCore.generateIdentifier(session, scheme[, fragment]) → Identifier https://releases.dataone.org/online/api-documentation-v2.0.1/apis/CN_APIs.html#CNCore.generateIdentifier MNStorage.generateIdentifier(session, scheme[, fragment]) → Identifier https://releases.dataone.org/online/api-documentation-v2.0.1/apis/MN_APIs.html#MNStorage.generateIdentifier

A DataONEException can be triggered by adding a custom header. See d1_exception.py


d1_test.mock_api.get module

d1_test.mock_api.get_capabilities module

d1_test.mock_api.get_format module

d1_test.mock_api.get_log_records module

d1_test.mock_api.get_system_metadata module

d1_test.mock_api.is_authorized module

d1_test.mock_api.list_formats module

d1_test.mock_api.list_nodes module

d1_test.mock_api.list_objects module

d1_test.mock_api.ping module

Mock a ping response.

CNCore.ping() → null https://releases.dataone.org/online/api-documentation-v2.0.1/apis/CN_APIs.html#CNCore.ping MNRead.ping() → null https://releases.dataone.org/online/api-documentation-v2.0.1/apis/MN_APIs.html#MNCore.ping

A DataONEException can be triggered by adding a custom header. See d1_exception.py


d1_test.mock_api.post module

Mock a generic POST request by echoing the posted body.

A DataONEException can be triggered by adding a custom header. See d1_exception.py


d1_test.mock_api.query_engine_description module

d1_test.mock_api.resolve module

d1_test.mock_api.solr_query module

d1_test.mock_api.solr_search module

d1_test.mock_api.util module