Overview of command line optionsΒΆ

Usage: dataone.py [command] ...

                        Checksum algorithm used for a Science Data Object.
  --anonymous           Ignore any installed certificates and connect
  --no-anonymous        Use the installed certificates and do not connect
                        Authoritative Member Node for generating System
  --cert-file=FILE      Path to client certificate
  --count=COUNT         Maximum number of items to display
  --cn-url=URI          URI to use for the Coordinating Node
  --from-date=DATE      Start time used by operations that accept a date range
  --key-file=FILE       File of client private key (not required if key is in
  --mn-url=URI          Member Node URL
                        ID for the Object Format to use when generating System
                        ID for the Object Format to use when generating System
  --origin-mn=MN-URI    Originating Member Node to use when generating System
  --query=QUERY         Query string (SOLR or Lucene query syntax) for
                        Subject of the rights holder to use when generating
                        System Metadata
                        Include only objects of this format when searching
  --start=START         First item to display for operations that display a
                        list_objects of items
  --submitter=SUBJECT   Subject of the submitter to use when generating System
  --to-date=DATE        End time used by operations that accept a date range
  -v, --verbose         Display more information
  --no-verbose          Display less information
  --editor              Editor to use for editing operation queue
  --no-editor           Use editor specified in EDITOR environment variable
  --allow-replication   Allow objects to be replicated.
                        Do not allow objects to be replicated.
  --replicas=#replicas  Set the preferred number of replicas.
  --add_blocked=MN      Add blocked Member Node to access policy.
  --add_preferred=MN    Add Member Node to list_objects of preferred
                        replication targets.
  --cn=HOST             Name of the host to use for the Coordinating Node
  --mn=HOST             Name of the host to use for the Member Node
  -i, --interactive     Allow interactive commands
  --no-interactive      Don't allow interactive commands
  -q, --quiet           Display less information
  --debug               Print full stack trace and exit on errors
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit