Creating the installer for Windows ================================== ONEDrive supports Microsoft Windows. The Windows distribution installs ONEDrive as a regular application, independent of any existing Python environment on the computer. These instructions detail how to create the installer and is intended as a reference for DataONE and 3rd party developers. The regular distribution channel for DataONE's Python products is PyPI, but the PyPI distribution does not include various files needed for building the installer. To create the ONEDrive installer for Windows, ONEDrive is first installed from the DataONE Subversion repository into a regular Python environment. Then, a stand-alone, executable version of ONEDrive is created with py2exe. Finally, an installer is built for the executable and all dependencies. 1. If you do not already have a working 32-bit Python 3.6 environment, download the latest 32-bit Python 3.6 Windows installer from and install it. Open a command prompt: :: > setx path "%path%;C:\Python27;C:\Python27\Scripts" Close then reopen the command prompt (to activate the new path). #. Install pip: Download :: Go to the download location of E.g.: :: > cd \Users\Myself\Downloads Install and update pip: :: > python > python -m pip install -U pip #. Open a Command Prompt. #. Install the DataONE Client Library for Python and dependencies: :: > pip install dataone.libclient #. Download and install Subversion for Windows from #. Download and install the 32-bit Python 3.6 py2exe from #. Open a new Command Prompt (to pick up new path to the ``svn`` command). #. Create a work area on disk. Below, ``C:\onedrive`` is used for this. To use another folder replace all the references to the folder below. :: > mkdir c:\onedrive > c: > cd \onedrive > svn co . #. Start ONEDrive and verify that it works: :: > src\d1_client_onedrive\ Access the ONEDrive filesystem and check that the folder hierarchy can be traversed and that the DataONE objects can be accessed. Exit with ctrl-break. #. Build a stand-alone version of ONEDrive: :: > cd src > py2exe A list of missing modules will be printed. These are not used by ONEDrive. #. Verify that the exe version of ONEDrive works: :: > cd dist > onedrive.exe Access the ONEDrive filesystem and check that the folder hierarchy can be traversed and that the DataONE objects can be accessed. Exit with ctrl-break. #. Download and install the stable release of Inno Setup from: Open the Inno Setup script: :: > cd \onedrive > onedrive-setup.iss In the script, update the version number so that it matches the version number displayed when ONEDrive was started in a previous step. Build the installer by selecting ``Compile`` and ``Build`` in the main menu. The finished installer will be in ``C:\onedrive\src\Output``.