Architecture ============ .. graphviz:: digraph G { size = "8,20"; ratio = "compress"; "Linux / OSX" -> "FUSE Driver" -> "FUSE for Python" -> "ONEDrive"; "Windows" -> "Dokan Driver" -> "Dokan for Python" -> "ONEDrive"; "DataONE Client Library\n(Python)" -> "ONEDrive"; "DataONE Common\n(Python)" -> "ONEDrive"; "SolR Client\n(Python)" -> "ONEDrive"; libzotero -> ONEDrive; } Resolvers --------- The resolvers are classes that "resolve" filesystem paths to lists of files and folders for those paths. The resolvers are arranged into a hierarchy. Each resolver examines the path and may resolve the path itself or pass control to another resolver. Resolvers deeper in the hierarchy corresponds to sections that are further to the right in the path. If a resolver passes control to another resolver, it first removes the section of the left side of the path that it processed. Thus, each resolver needs to know only how to parse the section of the path that it is designed to handle. This also enables the same functionality to be exposed several places in the filesystem. For instance, the resolver for the object package level can be reached though each of the root level search types. If a resolver determines that the path that it has received is invalid, it can abort processing of the path by raising a PathException. The hierarchy of resolvers `````````````````````````` .. graphviz:: digraph G { ranksep = .75; size = "7,20"; dpi = 72; node [shape = box]; { rank = same; Root; } { rank = same; "FlatSpace"; "ObjectTree"; } { rank = same; "Author"; "Region"; "Single"; "Taxa"; "Time Period"; } { rank = same; "Resource Map"; } { rank = same; "DataONE Object"; } Root -> "FlatSpace"; Root -> "ObjectTree"; "ObjectTree" -> "Author"; "ObjectTree" -> "Region"; "ObjectTree" -> "Single"; "ObjectTree" -> "Taxa"; "ObjectTree" -> "Time Period"; "FlatSpace" -> "Resource Map"; "Author" -> "Resource Map"; "Region" -> "Resource Map"; "Single" -> "Resource Map"; "Taxa" -> "Resource Map"; "Time Period" -> "Resource Map"; "Resource Map" -> "DataONE Object" } - The resolvers are all derived from the ``Resolver`` class, not from each other. - Each resolver has three public methods, ``get_attributes()``, ``get_directory()`` and ``read_file()``. ``get_attributes()`` returns the attributes for a file or folder. ``get_directory()`` returns the directory contents for a folder. ``read_file()`` returns sections of a DataONE object. - The ``Root`` resolver renders the root directory, which contains a set of directories designating different types of interactions which can be performed with the DataONE infrastructure. It also parses the root elements of paths and transfers control to the appropriate path resolver. - All the resolvers handle paths as lists of path segments. The root resolver performs the conversion of the path string to a list of path segments by splitting the path on the path separator and unescaping the segments. This allows the path segments to contain DataONE identifiers that include the path separator and simplifies path handling in the resolvers. - ``ObjectTree`` ObjectTree renders a filesystem folder structure that corresponds with the hierarchy of collections in the Zotero library. It takes a source tree generator as input and that generator is currently the Zotero client. This abstraction makes it easy to support additional online libraries, sky drives and reference managers in the future. - ``FlatSpace`` enables direct access to objects and enables users to share short ONEDrive paths to directly access specific objects. - ``Resource Map`` renders the contents of a OAI-ORE Resource Map. - ``DataONE Object`` renders the folder view of a single DataONE object. The Root resolver ````````````````` As an example of the pattern that the resolvers follow, consider the Root resolver. The Root resolver is responsible for rendering the root directory, ``/``, and for dispatching paths out to the other resolvers. Only the root folder is handled by the Root resolver. ``get_attributes("/")``: Return the attributes for ``/`` (0 size, directory). ``get_attributes("/ObjectTree")``: Not handled by the Root resolver. The Root resolver strips off ``/ObjectTree``, and passes the remaining path, ``/`` to the ObjectTree resolver. So, even though ``/ObjectTree`` is returned by ``get_directory("/")`` (see below) of the Root resolver, that same path is not handled by the Root resolver. ``get_attributes("/ObjectTree/some/other/path")``: Same as ``get_attributes("/ObjectTree")``, except that the path passed to the ObjectTree resolver is now ``/some/other/path``. ``get_attributes("/invalid")``: This invalid path is handled by the Root resolver, which raises an InvalidPath exception. ``get_directory("/")``: Return directories for all of the valid 1st level resolvers, such as ObjectTree. ``get_directory("/ObjectTree")``: Not handled by the Root resolver. As with the equivalent ``get_attributes()`` call, the path is actually the root for the ObjectTree resolver. ``get_directory("/ObjectTree/some/other/path")``: Same as ``get_directory("/ObjectTree")``, except that the path passed to the ObjectTree is now ``/some/other/path``. Path representation ------------------- Only the driver specific part of ONEDrive handles paths as strings. The bulk of the code handles paths as lists of path elements. The elements are strings or Unicode. They do not contain any escaped characters. The elements may contain characters that have special meaning in the filesystem, such as the path separator character ("/" on \\*nix). If so, these characters do NOT have the special meaning that they would have in a normal path string. When joining the segments together to a path string, the special characters would be escaped. Normally, when splitting the root path, "/", one ends up with a list of two empty strings. The first empty string shows that the path is absolute (starting at root), and the second that there is nothing after root. In ONEDrive, all paths represented as lists of path segments are assumed to be rooted, so the first, empty, element is removed. Callbacks --------- The FUSE callbacks and how these are handled. getattr() ````````` ``getattr()`` gets called on any path that the user attempts to access and any path that has previously been returned by ``readdir()``. ``getattr()`` returns information, such as size, date and type, for a single item. In ONEDrive, the type of an item is either a file or a folder. ONEDrive handles ``getattr()`` calls as follows: #. The keys in the attribute cache are searched for a match to the path. If a match is found, the attributes for the file or folder are returned. #. If the path was not found in the cache, ``get_attributes()`` is called in the root resolver. #. ``getattr()`` caches the result, then returns it. readdir() ````````` ``readdir()`` is only called for folders. It returns the names of items in a folder. It does not return any other information, such as the type of the item. FUSE calls ``getattr()`` for each of the items returned by ``readdir()`` to get their type, size and other information. FUSE assumes that the root, "/", is a folder, so ``getattr()`` is not called for the root before ``readdir()`` is called on the root. This is the only exception to the general pattern of interactions between `getattr()` and `readdir()`. By calling ``getattr()`` and ``readdir()`` in a cyclic pattern, FUSE recursively discovers the folder tree in the filesystem, the contents of the folders, and the sizes of both files and folders. FUSE only calls ``readdir()`` on folders that were previously designated as folders and valid paths by ``getattr()``. ONEDrive handles ``readdir()`` calls as follows: #. The keys in the directory cache (see `readdir()`_) are searched for a match to the path. If a match is found, the names of the contents for the folder are returned. #. ``readdir()`` caches the result in the directory cache and returns it to FUSE. Debugging --------- When first mounting ONEDrive, the filesystem will be hit with various automated requests in order for the OS to learn about the filesystem. This causes trouble when debugging. On Ubuntu, the automated requests can be disabled temporarily by killing the gvfs processes:: $ sudo pkill -9 -f gvfs Future improvements ------------------- There's a lot more that can be done with Zotero integration if desired. For instance, ONEDrive could enable access to other information that can be stored in Zotero libraries, such as tags, notes and attached objects. ONEDrive could detect updates in Zotoro while it is running and dynamically update itself. Currently, ONEDrive only refreshes its caches during startup.